Welcome to the Hirschen in Bregenz

3 gastronomy-offers under one roof 
in the center of Bregenz!





The Goldener Hirschen has a long history that goes back to the 14th century. He was always the focal point of everyday life in Bregenz Kirchstrasse. A tavern where everyone met.

Today, in the carefully renovated and partly redesigned listed building complex, there are 4 catering establishments, in which the guests today, as then, should above all: feel good!



our online-reservation:

Tavern on the ground floor

Impressionen & Menu you'll find here!

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Goldener Hirschen

Taverne | Weinstube | Bierbar

Kirchstr. 6-8, 6900 Bregenz

Tel +43 5574 42815

Email: reservation@bregenz-hotel.com

or: Online-Reservierung

opening hours:


Taverne: Tue-Sa 11a.m.-10p.m.

warm kitchen 11a.m.-9:30p.m.


Bierbar: Tue-Sa 12a.m.-10p.m.


Weinstube: Tue-Sa 3p.m.-10p.m.

garden in good weather from 12a.m.


closed on mondays, sundays
& on public holidays

OUR SPECIAL OPENEING HOURS: December 24th. closed, December 25th. until January 6th. open daily

open on Shrove-Sunday, closed on Ash Wednesday