Copyright SAMS
Copyright SAMS

Our beer bar - out of passion and real tradition

For years, Hubert Kinz junior has been fascinated by the diversity of the beer world. With our Mohrenbräu brewery, he created a true-to-original new production of the legendary Hirschenbier from the 19th century. After completing his  training as a beer sommelier, he wanted to create a beer bar with a varied menu in the Hirschen. He was able to realize this dream in the rooms of the former Tschirnich fashion shop with the beautiful wooden paneling.

And how a lovely Hirschen regular said after the opening month: "You know,  now we finally have a bar in Bregenz that I like to go to with my son and grandson! Everything meets in the beer bar!"

Reserve now for a table in the beer bar:

Central location in Bregenz on Lake Constance:

The beer bar is in the building at Kirchstraße 6, but the careful renovation has made it look as if it has been part of the Goldener Hirschen for centuries. Only a few blocks away from the state government, the pedestrian zone Kaiserstraße and at the beginning of the historic Kirchstraße, the Hirschen with the beer bar is the gateway to Bregenz's old town. Kirchstraße is a meeting place. So just park in the GWL parking garage! It is only a 1-minute walk away and our team will give you a credit of two hours' parking time on your coin!

You can find more parking options in the short-term parking zone around the Herz Jesu Church/ Belruptstraße, in Rathausstraße and behind the medical center in Römerstraße.

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Goldener Hirschen

Tavern | Weinstube | Bierbar

Kirchstr. 6-8, 6900 Bregenz

Tel +43 5574 42815


or: Online-Reservierung

opening hours:


Taverne: Tue-Sa 11a.m.-10p.m.

warm kitchen 11a.m.-9:30p.m.


Bierbar: Tue-Sa 12a.m.-10p.m.


Weinstube: Tue-Sa 3p.m.-10p.m.

garden in good weather from 12a.m.


closed on mondays, sundays
& on public holidays